"Comfort the little girl. Give her
lollipops, give her dolls, give her physics, give her all you can think of." (C.
S. Lewis)
Elu kulgeb tavapäraselt, mõned uudiselaadsed tooted:
Ma oskan siinsest leivalaadsest tootest teha üsnagi leivasupimaitselise magustoidu.
Ma sain teada detsembrikuise eksamiplaani: 2 eksamit, keemia ja matemaatika, muidugi on need samal päeval! Mul on ainult 2 eksamit ja mul õnnestus saada selline ajaline paigutus, et nende vahel on 1,5h.
Vahel on asjaolud ebasoodsad.
Samas ma loodan, et ma saan siis oma vaba nädalaga Šotimaal vaheajaks ettenähtud ülesanded ära teha.
"The problem was, what makes the planets go
around? In those days, on of the theories proposed was that the planets went
around because behind them were invisible angels, beating their wings and
driving the planets forward. You will see that this theory is now modified! It
turns out that in order to keep the plantes going around, the invisible angels
must fly in a different diretion and they have no wings. Otherwise, it is a
somewhat similar theory!" (R. P. Feynman)
3 kommentaari:
Nädal 8 oli ikka õige lühike! :)
Te olete Narnia ikka päris tõsiselt ette võtnud :)
Mulle hirmsasti meeldib, mida sa seal õpid :P
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